(Click on league Rules for full version of EMWSL rules)
3.5 Regular season games must be played on the scheduled day and on the scheduled field, unless rescheduled by agreement of both teams and notification of the referee Assignor and referee twenty-four (24) hours prior to the game. If a team does not show to a scheduled game or has not notified the other team, referee Assignor and referee (or Division referee Coordinator, if one is appointed by the President) of cancellation due to sudden changes during the day of the game (rain, etc.) two (2) hours prior to the start of the game, this team will forfeit the game and pay the full referee fee.
3.5(d) When a game is not played due to weather or field conditions or otherwise cancelled for justifiable grounds (i.e., not a forfeit), teams shall make-up those games on the make-up date built into a season's schedule for those seasons into which there are make-up dates built into the schedule as follows. A team is required to make-up its first unplayed/called game on the make-up date; in the event that the opposing team already has a make-up game scheduled for that date, then the team is required to make-up its second unplayed/called game on the make-up date providing that the opposing team does not already have a make-up game scheduled; and so on.
People to Notify:
- Jim Livingston “ Referee Assignor” (or the specific referee if you have received that info from Jim)
- Opposing Team Contact
- Statistician - Please inform Diana McKee if your game has been postponed or cancelled so accurate stats can be kept.
Contact information can be found here on the website.